The End???

Posted on Senin, 27 April 2009 - 0 komentar -

Lagu kali ini gw ambil dari OST P4

Enjoy this song...................

This Is The End

Posted on - 0 komentar -

Every story has its own ending
But, only one thing that last forever
That sometimes, the truth is so painful
For me, my story is hurting, yet so floating

I think over and think again...............
Is this really the end???????
Must I resist and do something i can???
Is this really my final moment?????

Even I'm so confused.................
I'll have to see....................
Have to listen......................
Or resist and take down my emotion????

Maybe this is the real end............
This pain and happiness...............

Hari Makan Yang Luar Biasa

Posted on Sabtu, 25 April 2009 - 2 komentar -

Hari ini gw bener2 kenyang
Hari yang bener2 seru
Di mulai dari gw berangkat ke kafe pisa bareng glori, jesi, cethe, eby, tokeq, monyet, ama ko2 ari, makanannya bener2 top, and bikin kita pada kenyang semua, tempatnya pas sebelah gereja St. Theresia, gw pesen spagheti carbonara dan pepsi cola, dan bikin gw hampir ga bisa makan lagi (haha) bikin perut gw full sekali.........
Setelah puas foto2, kita brangkat ke plaza senayan, kali ini di traktir koko, kita makan es krim di Cold Stone, karena ga taw mw pesen apa, akhirnya gw pesen menu yang paling gampang, "gw pesen yang u pesen dah" (haha =3), akhirnya gw pesen Founder's Favourite

Mantaph and nikmat =9, apalagi gratis, ditraktir koko, haha enak banget

Pas jalan pulang, nyokap gw sms, pulang2 gw makan lagi ke bandar jakarta, bweh di sono lebih gila lagi, setelah gw makan2 gila, bokap gw kaga berenti sampe situ aja, gila nya dia masih bisa pesen kue,,, haha gila banget nie hari kata gw dalem hati

haha, ngenyangin banget deh

Budaya Dadakan = Bullsh#t

Posted on Rabu, 22 April 2009 - 3 komentar -

Hari ini, kamis gw ngerasa ga enak, ngerasa bersalah ama temen2 yang ngajak gw pergi tapi gw tolak smua..........

Pertama gw minta maaph buat Allen, Sharleen, K Che, dll yang ngajak gw ke kidzania dan gw nolak itu

Yang kedua gw minta maaph buat Hangga yang ngajak gw maen futsal (biar gw bego tetep diajak) trus gw tolak juga

Sebenernya gw maw pergi ama bokap gw waktu itu, tapi tepat pukul 08.45, 15 menit abis Hangga ngajak gw maen futsal, bokap gw bilang ngga jadi dengan santainya............

Bener2 bullsh#t, f**kin sh#t budaya dadakan kaya gini cuma bikin gw ga enak ama temen2 gw, maaph smua.....................................................................

Menanti Sebuah Kesabaran

Posted on Senin, 20 April 2009 - 0 komentar -

Gw maw cerita, ada temen gw dia bae banget ama gw (panggil aja jq)

jq baru aja sembuh dari sakit, gw ama temen2 gw jenguk jq di RS Pluit, rupa na, jq ama temen2 gw lagi ada masalah (private banget) ampe...............(private banget lah)

Ngeliad dy yg banyak banget prmasalahan akhir na gw mutusin bwt telp jq. Bukannya gw yang bantuin dy, malah dy yg bantuin gw...........

Stlah gw nanya2 ama jq trus dy memberikan solusi yg tepat bwt gw, gw trharu karena biarpun habis mengalami sakit dan masalah yang berat,,,, Teman masih selalu membantu kita

Nothing in the world is free????
There is...............
Friendship is free of charge....

Maaf Buat Dia

Posted on Sabtu, 18 April 2009 - 7 komentar -

maaf banget kalo buat post love is blind gw,,
moga2 u maafin gw, dan ngga marah lagi ama gw
if there is a best word for apologize, then i will give it to u.....

thx for my pals,,,
alleen, allen and sharleen who makes me know my fault to u

hope u will forgive me.......

Did I Stepped Too Far???

Posted on Jumat, 17 April 2009 - 1 komentar -

Sori buat lagu kali ini lagu gw ngga ambil dari rock,
lagu ini tw banget kondisi gw saat ini, enjoy

James Blunt-Same Mistake

So the world turning in my sheets and once again, I cannot sleep .
Walk out the door and up the street; look at the stars beneath my feet.
Remember rights that I did wrong, so here I go.

Hello, hello. There is no place I cannot go.
My mind is muddy but my heart is heavy, does it show?
I lose the track that loses me, so here I go.

oo oooooo ooo ooo oo oooo...

And so I sent some men to fight, And one came back at dead of night.
said he'd seen my enemy. Said "he looked just like me",
So I set out to cut myself and here I go.

oo oooooo ooo ooo oo oooo...

I'm not calling for a second chance,
I'm screaming at the top of my voice.
Give me reason but don't give me choice.
Cos I'll just make the same mistake again.

oo oooooo ooo ooo oo oooo...

And maybe someday we will meet, and maybe talk and not just speak.
Don't buy the promises 'cause, there are no promises I keep,
and my reflection troubles me, so here I go.

oo oooooo ooo ooo oo oooo...

I'm not calling for a second chance,
I'm screaming at the top of my voice.
Give me reason but don't give me choice.
Cos I'll just make the same mistake.

I'm not calling for a second chance,
I'm screaming at the top of my voice.
Give me reason but don't give me choice.
Cos I'll just make the same mistake again.

oo oooooo ooo ooo oo oooo...

Saw the world turning in my sheets and once again I cannot sleep.
Walk out the door and up the street,
Look at the stars. Look at the stars, falling down,
And I wonder where, did I go wrong.

Ralat dan Maaph

Posted on Selasa, 14 April 2009 - 5 komentar -

Berkat saran dan usulan dari temen gw yang bilang artikel2 gw sadis, gw mw ralat dikit

Klo kata banyak orang artikel blog gw yang "Love Is Blind" sadis, trutama di bagian bodi na yang ngga banget, gw ralat deh..............
Bodi na aga melenceng dari normal kali,,,, yaah mnurut gw sih not so bad, but not so good juga ^^

Kalo orang yang udah taw siapa "dya" jangan ngasih spoiler please jangan kasih spoiler apa2 ke orang laen, thx

Arti Sebuah Nama

Posted on - 0 komentar -

Ye, pasti pada heran khan kenapa gw milih nama itu??? Kenapa bukan Castrol atau Astor aja gitu......

Oke, gw critain nih, waktu jaman nya P3 alias Persona 3 dikluarin (game paling mantap saat itu ^^) gw bener2 demen ama ceritanya dan gw tertarik ama 1 tokoh yang pembawaannya cool gitu, namanya Shinjiro, dia punya persona, namanya Castor,,,

Persona Shinji, Castor hebat banget dan merupakan Pesrsona yang ngga punya kelemahan sama sekali, wew, tapi sayang nya Shinji mati setelah lindungin Ken dari Straga......

Kalo greek version na:

Castor is the son of Zeus and Leda, and the twin brother of Polydeuces. Unlike his brother, he is a mortal. The two brothers were very close, so when Castor died, Polydeuces wished to spend time with him in the underworld. Thus, every six months, the older brother would go down to Hades to be with Castor. The Gemini constellation was said to honor the twin brothers, and its brightest stars were named after them.

Buat yang mo liat Shinji:

Makna Paskah

Posted on Minggu, 12 April 2009 - 4 komentar -

Wah, gak kerasa udah paskah lagi............
Pekan suci di bagi menjadi White Thursday, Glorious Friday, Holy Saturday, dan Easter Sunday ^^

Pekan suci tahun ini kerasa beda banget, secara gw dah ada motivasi baru buat ketemu ama "dia" di gereja. Hah, sayangnya gw kaga ketemu, tapi itu ngga buat gw males ke gereja.........

White Thursday merupakan saat Yesus terakhir kali makan bersama murid-muridnya, Yesus juga mencontohkan arti pelayanan dengan membasuh kaki murid-muridnya

Glorious Friday itu saat Yesus wafat, tepatnya setelah Jalan Salib

Holy Saturday, misa paling lama yang ada sekitar 5 bacaan, merupakan waktu Yesus akan bangkit

Easter Sunday adalah misa kebangkitan Yesus di mana kita semua bergembira di hari minggu

Unfortunately I didn't met her...................

Btw, Happy Easter all!!!!!!

unholy confession

Posted on Kamis, 09 April 2009 - 2 komentar -

she is not so beauty,,,
but she looks like a sleeping beauty

she just accept me as her friend
but that also makes me happy
but also makes me wonder
she is ###
hope she will like me

God please give me a chance

Hari yang "agak" nyenengin

Posted on Selasa, 07 April 2009 - 2 komentar -

Hari ini gw mulai jam 00.00, tengah malem,,,,,
gw males tidur gara2 takut bged ama pmbagian rapot, scara u taw lha,,, rank gw sem 1 jelek banget,,,
akhirnya gw kebawah, ambil psp ade gw dan maen Star Ocean sama FM Portable sambil nunggu Porto ama MU maen,,,
Bbrapa lama gw maen, akhirnya MU ama Porto maen, wah big match neh,, klo gw sih ngarep Porto yang menang, biar MU kalah aja tuh ^^
Bener aja prkiraan gw, Porto langsung nyetak gol, wah, seru banget deh Porto lawan MU yang akhirnya 2-2 di kandang MU, abis itu gw ngantuk banget secara dari jam 11 malem gw bgadang nunggu bola, eh taunya ada lagi,,,
Kali ini Arsenal lawan Villareal, tapi siaran ulang,, mana Arsenal tim favorit gw lagi, akhirnya gw nonton, beh 1-1 skornya, ya lumayan lah, scara itu kandang Villareal,,, gw "agak" seneng juga ama hasil itu....

Pas udah pagi, gw diem banget,, soalnya hari ini ngambil rapot, gw takut gw ranking bontot lagi T.T dah tegang gw,,, untungnya gw ada peningkatan tapi blom max,,, lagi2 gw "agak seneng ama hasil ini,,,,

Huff huff..... "agak" seneng gw hari ini

Gives You Hell

Posted on - 0 komentar -

A song by All American Rejects
"Gives u Hell"

I wake up every evening
With a big smile on my face
And it never feels out of place.
And you're still probably working
At a 9 to 5 pace
I wonder how bad that tastes

When you see my face
I hope it gives you hell, I hope it gives you hell
When you walk my way
I hope it gives you hell, I hope it gives you hell

Now where's your picket fence love
And where's that shiny car
Did it ever get you far?
You never seem so tense, love
Never seen you fall so hard
Do you know where you are?

Truth be told I miss you
Truth be told I'm lying

When you see my face
I hope it gives you hell, I hope it gives you hell
When you walk my way
I hope it gives you hell, I hope it gives you hell
If you find a man thats worth the damn and treats you well
Then he's a fool you're just as well hope it gives you hell
Hope it gives you hell
[Gives You Hell Lyrics On ]
Tomorrow you'll be thinking to yourself
Where did it all go wrong?
But the list goes on and on

Truth be told I miss you
Truth be told I'm lying

When you see my face
I hope it gives you hell, I hope it gives you hell
When you walk my way
I hope it gives you hell, I hope it gives you hell
If you find a man that's worth the damn and treats you well
Then he's a fool you're just as well hope it gives you hell

Now you'll never see
What you've done to me
You can take back your memories
They're no good to me
And here's all your lies
If you look me in the eyes
With the sad, sad look
That you wear so well

When you see my face
I hope it gives you hell, I hope it gives you hell
When you walk my way
I hope it gives you hell, I hope it gives you hell
If you find a man that's worth the damn and treats you well
Then he's a fool you're just as well hope it gives you hell

When you see my face
I hope it gives you hell, I hope it gives you hell (hope it gives you hell)
When you walk my way
I hope it gives you hell, I hope it gives you hell (hope it gives you hell)
When you hear this song and you sing along well you'll never tell
And you're the fool I've just as well I hope it gives you hell
When you hear this song I hope that it will give you hell
You can sing along I hope that it puts you through hell

Let's give them Hell!!! ^^

Hari yang bener2 bikin cape....

Posted on Sabtu, 04 April 2009 - 6 komentar -

Hari sabtu kmaren bner2 hari yang bikin cape buat gw,,,,,,,

Prtama gw ke warnet, post lagu "monster" buat blog gw, trus karena waktu udah mepet, akhirnya gw kluar buat ngeles di belakang sekolah,,,,

Nah, pas di jalan, dah mau nyampe tempat les, gw kena semprotan masal,,,,, Karena waktu dah mepet banget, dan kayanya gw dah telat, trpaksa gw tembus semprotan tuh,,,,,, Pusing banget rasanya....... Di tempat les gw bete banget ampe males ngelawak....... X6

Akhirnya les selese juga, gw pgi ke empo buat nonton ama temen2 gw, sharleen, deni, epen, natha, gepai, vincent, ama verdi,,, Sepi banget pdhal Sharleen ngajak lumayan banyak,,, pd ga maw smua lgi,,, Di tengah ke-betean gw akhirnya kita pda maen timezone,,,

Akhirna waktu nonton di mulai,, nonton the fast and furious, keren banget nie film, ampe dateng 2 orang yg pacaran,,,, Gila, sumpah tuh orang brisik banget, yang cwo serasa maw gw tabok bneran,,, Bikin gw tambah bete aja........... Untung aja film na seru.....

Selese nonton, kita ktmu tong2, rani, tari, ama cornell, trus kita pda maen timezone, pas ngeliad dia orang maen drum, gw gangguin yg maen, eh tau na malah salah orang, gw lupa Natha dah balik wktu itu,,,,,,, Akhir na gw balik en tidur pules banget saking cape nya.........

Bner2 hari yang bikin cape...........


Posted on Jumat, 03 April 2009 - 0 komentar -

Song for this time,,, Matchbook Romance - Monster

Girl, what's come between you and me?
Look right through me.
I'll let it go.
I can't help this feeling anymore.
I won't go anywhere.
Maybe you'll see me.

Ohhhhhhhhhh yeah.

We are,
We are the shaken.
We are the monsters,
Underneath your bed.
Believe what you read.
We are,
We are mistaken.
We are the voices,
Inside your head.
Believe what you see.


It came as no surprise.
You bring me back to life.
Believe me.
You bleed for me,
I'll bleed for you.
I caught you walking through walls.
Drowned with applause,
From the world that makes me crazy.

Ohhhhhhhhhh yeah.

We are,
We are the shaken.
We are the monsters,
Underneath your bed.
Believe what you read.
We are,
We are mistaken.
We are the voices,
Inside your head.
Believe what you see.


We are the monsters.
We are the monsters.
We are the monsters,
Underneath your bed.
We are the voices.
We are the voices.
We are the voices,
Underneath your bed.
We are the monsters.
We are the monsters.
We are the monsters.
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah.

We are,
We are the shaken.
We are the monsters,
Underneath your bed.
Believe what you read.
We are,
We are mistaken.
We are the voices,
Inside your head.
Believe what you see.

We are,
We are the shaken.
We are the monsters,
Underneath your bed.
Believe what you see.

Thx to njesz
4 give me this song

A rival, a mentor, and an unknown guy..........

Posted on - 0 komentar -

I'm on fire!!!!

There are 3 guys to beat,,, and they are really awesome in their skill, except the unknown guy, because i still don't know him,,,,,,,,,

My first opponent is my mentor, he is so awesome. He revived one dead case in law,,,,,, He also managing a factory and keep encouraging me, when I'm down.......

My second and toughest opponent is my rival, he was a cc student. His rank in cc is incredebly high, and he is unbelievable smart for a second year senior high student. He is my childhood friend, my rival, and my nephew. But one thing I hate is, my big family always compare my lack of intelligence to his unbelievable brain in cc.........

The last person i have to beat is an unknown guy, I don't have a single idea about this guy, but i have to beat him to get 'her'..................

Graffiti & Murall

Posted on Kamis, 02 April 2009 - 0 komentar -

Hoho, demen banget gw soal topik yg satu ini,,,,

Graffiti, ya coret2 an gitu lah, tapi tentunya, bagi kita para tagger, ini punya nilai seni tersendiri,
Gw akuin skill gambar gw masih kalah jauh, masih dangkal, masih tahap amateur bomber ^^

Banyak orang bilang kalo graffiti tuh cuma sampah, coret2 ga b'guna, tindakan iseng orang, tapi itu tanggepan orang-orang yang ngga bisa ngehargain aspirasi kita, sebagai seorang bomber,,,

Coretan yang kita lakuin masih punya arti yang seengganya ninggalin eksistensi kita, apalagi murall, murall itu graffiti berbentuk gambar,,,

Bwt gambar2 gila, liat link ini:

Love is Blind

Posted on Rabu, 01 April 2009 - 10 komentar -

Wuih,,, akhirnya ini artikel serius pertama yang gw buat,,,

Gw bakal ceritain tentang hal yang gw alamin sendiri
Gini ya, gw ga taw kenapa gw bisa suka ama dia, dia ngga cakep, bodi nya ngga banget, pokoknya ngga banget deh,,,,,,,, Tapi pas gw liad dia, kaya nya gw seneng banget,,,,,

Hah, dia bener-bener bikin gw bingung, entah apa yang dia punya sampe gw demen ama dia. Akhirnya gw coba contact2 an sama dia, responnya juga positif, tentunya gw makin seneng.

Tapi kelihatannya, dia cuma nganggep gw temen, kayanya dia cuma nganggep gw temen doang, dan akhirnya gw taw klo dia lagi deket sama orang laen,,,,,

Hah, apa gw masih sanggup ngejar dia??? Masih bisa ngga gw menang dari 'blind love' ini??????

Love is really blind.........................